sábado, 31 de enero de 2015


1. Barely slept, woke up crying.
2. Fucking Düsseldorf trams.
3. Had to take a fucking sky train to go to the fucking terminal C of the airport.
3. I miss Büke.
4. Nico and Louis helped me take my stuff downstairs and waited with me a little while wearing almost any clothes. I'm gonna miss them.
5. Had to carry all my shit to another taxi because the one Koko ordered didn't come. Lost my Nesquick in the meantime.
6. I suddenly got excited about going back to Spain. I will get a massage, dye my hair, take a long bath, put on my onesie and eat one of my favourite lunches on Saturday.
7. What a fucking crap day.

viernes, 30 de enero de 2015


1. I don't want to pack.
2. KFC is too good. I can't go back ever again.
3. Poor Büke had such a bad day. I don't want her to ever leave my side.
4. Koko actually made a cake for me (it was so delicious) and gave me a little present.
5. Tomorrow I'm gonna hate my life because I have to carry too many things.
6. I opened a reinforced door with a fucking card and pushing a little. Büke called me her "angel" again, so cute.
7. I am so done with Alba.

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015


1. So I did one exercise of the exam perfect and I thought I had it all wrong.
2. So the exam I thought I had today wasn't today and I don't know when is it nor do I care.
3. One of the books I ordered has already been dispatched. Hell yeah.
4. Amparo Baró just died. Such sad news.
5. Büke's cousin is so fucking great.
6. We had kind of a party night. Loved it.
7. My umbrella broke all of a sudden. I'm not gonna buy a new one.

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015


1. I'm a piece of shit.
2. The fucking tram made me arrive late to my exam.
3. Got my eyebrows right.
4. Somehow I ended up having dinner with my Hungarian roommate and drank a bottle of wine between the both of us.
5. Discovered a new wisdom tooth has come out like 25/30%. It's growing sideways.
6. Never comment nor read comments on YouTube.
7. Placed my order in Book Depository. I'm so nervous.
8. I hate that Alba is staying here just for her girlfriend. It's stupid and she's gonna regret it.
9. Let's not talk about my exam because I don't know.
10. I have an exam here when I will be in Spain. Don't know how that's gonna work out.

martes, 27 de enero de 2015


1. I'm a piece of shit.
2. Threw away a lot of stuff and started packing.
3. Bought an eyebrow pencil. Not good at it.
4. I don't want tomorrow and Thursday to come.
5. I think it's gonna snow again and I'm so pissed off.

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015


1. Don't know if I feel better or worse than yesterday.
2. I don't want to go to class.
3. People keep asking me if I'm okay.
4. Had to wait for Büke and her cousin for 20 minutes. But her cousin was so nice I'm not angry anymore.
5. Ate barely nothing today, but my stomach is so goddamn angry.
6. Finally got a room in Valencia. I'm gonna feel so fucking claustrophobic in it.
7. Maria won't come spend the first weekend with me, and that makes me super sad.

domingo, 25 de enero de 2015


1. My throat hurts so much I feel like shit. I have tonsillitis.
2. Apparently if I want to buy penicillin I have to pay 25€.
3. I have no fucking idea how to do my homework.
4. I just found out how to open the building door from the kitchen. After almost four months.
5. I want to sleep until my throat is healed.


This is the story of a man who donated a lot of sperm during his youth, finds out -20 years later- that he's the father of 533 children, 142 of which want to meet him. No one knows his real name, they just know the nickname he gave every time he donated: Starbuck.

It might sound weird, but yeah, this was enough for me to become interested in this movie. I wasn't entirely sure if I was going to like it, but I definitely wanted to give it a chance, and I'm so glad I did.

I didn't have any kind of expectations for this movie, I decided not to watch the trailer or read reviews before I watched it. Well, I was expecting it to be a comedy, that's for sure, and some part of me thought that it would be one of those movies that push the funny too far, if that makes any sense. I thought that, given the topic, it would be kind of... ehm... it hurts me to mention these movies, but the kind of "American Pie" fun/amusement/comedy, and that stopped me - until I found out that the movie is Canadian, which made my brain go blank because I don't recall having watched any Canadian movies, so the expectations bar went back to 0.

I found it to be a very, very sweet movie, the comedy/funny parts weren't obvious/forced, they were just little things that make you chuckle or smile. And for me it had beautiful messages. David's (Starbuck) friend and lawyer, finally wins a case and shows his mum that he can do it, that he's not useless. And the portrayal of their relationship I found it to be realistic and just great in general. The relationship that David has with his brothers, and with his dad, how he (little spoiler) manages to turn his life around thanks to the truth. How all of his children meet and find a beautiful and peculiar family.

I don't know, it had so many things that I loved. Quick mention to the actors' and actresses' skills, specially the main character, well done. I didn't lose the interest at any point (which is something that lately has been hard for me to achieve), even if it's almost two hours long.

And... right now I don't know what else to add, I just think it's a great movie that I wouldn't mind watching again. I probably will watch it again in a few months.

I leave you here the trailer of the movie, but you should bear in mind that the "vibe" that is going to give you, is very, very different from the actual movie "vibe". The trailer leaves you with the feeling that it's just another comedy, and the movie is completely not just another comedy.

I hope you enjoy it if you decide to watch it!

Recommended / Bah / Not recommended

sábado, 24 de enero de 2015


1. So when I woke up everything was covered in snow.
2. My throat keeps hurting more and more.
3. Didn't do anything important today.
4. Last night I wanted to write a love scene, but ended up ranting about love on Twitter. Yeah. I might write here something about my conception of love and all that stuff because I have too many thoughts on the subject.
5. I need time to stop itself.
6. Finally ate pizza!
7. Didn't die while walking on the snow.

viernes, 23 de enero de 2015


1. Too many things to do.
2. So the apartments that I found on the Internet didn't pick up their phones. Sara told me about one but it's so far I don't know what to do.
3. I'm so tired.
4. So proud of Grant Gustin.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015


1. I can't even.
2. There are things that just happen to me. And they are so fucking weird that they sound fake.
3. Büke's so happy about going back to Turkey, and I'm the complete opposite.
4. The Hannibal season 3 trailer.

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015


1. Can't believe I woke up so sick. I've been taking better care of myself (cold-wise).
2. Could've done a lot today, didn't do shit.
3. The girls in my Tutorium are super competitive and hate each other and it's funny for me.
4. Next week I have an exam and I'm scared as fuck.
5. The chicken ambulant-shop was open! Been craving chicken for weeks. It was so good.
6. I fucking hate Koko.

martes, 20 de enero de 2015


1. I'm scared of eating in case I might get sick again.
2. Bought my first pair of high waist jeans. I like them more than I expected.
3. Got some shit sorted today.
4. I have to move to a different flat for my last week, which sucks ass.
5. Got my plane ticket, which makes me cry and feel claustrophobic.
6. I don't want to go back to Spain.

lunes, 19 de enero de 2015


1. Katrin seemed angry today.
2. I'm so stupid (German-wise speaking, though other ways too).
3. Tomorrow I'll get shit sorted. I will.
4. Büke is so goddamn popular.
5. I don't know what made me so stomach sick. That was crazy.

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015


1. I don't feel like going out, but I only have so many days left with Büke.
2. So we went to this "beach", that is just a part of the Rhein that has sand, we took our shoes off to feel the sand and I put mine inside the water and even if I cleaned them they smelled like shit when I got home. Washed them and now it's better, but I'm gonna have to take a shower tomorrow again.
3. I need to get everything ready to go back to Spain, but I don't want to.

sábado, 17 de enero de 2015


1. Forgot to order lactose free milk and the coffee made me so goddamn sick.
2. Can't find my perfume anywhere, so I had to get a different one. A big moment for me.
3. Koko's being an asshole.
4. Found out that my grandma broke her hip on Monday and got surgery this morning. And I find out now.
5. My sister wrote to me to tell me to say happy birthday to my dad and she didn't tell me about my grandma. I'm so angry.
6. I love skyping with Alba. I miss her so much.

viernes, 16 de enero de 2015


1. Finally visited Köln. The Dome is so big and beautiful.
2. Tried currywurst. It was good, but I don't think I want to eat it again because at night I still felt the taste of it and I hate that.
3. It was so weird teaching my teacher Spanish in the train.
4. Finally bought Vics. Freaking expensive, but totally worth it.

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015


1. Büke cooked for me some Turkish food named "kısır" and it was amazing. Took home some leftovers.
2. I need the rain to stop.
3. My throat is so sore.

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015


1. Woke up in the middle of the night because of a storm and it scared the crap out of me.
2. Then when I woke up in the morning, the toilet didn't flush. Like, it doesn't give any water. I made it work perfectly, and now they break it again.
3. Told my teacher I'd help her out with Spanish but, ugh, I hate teaching things.
4. I think Koko is pissed off at our roommates because they woke him up on Sunday early morning (they woke me up too), so now he's being an asshole and is trying to piss them off but he's only pissing me off. I HATE HIS VOICE.

martes, 13 de enero de 2015


1. Büke told me I've lost a good amount of weight. Hell yeah.
2. I'm gonna miss her so much when she leaves.
3. I still feel like crap.

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015


1. Mondays are becoming worse than Tuesdays.
2. Finally got one of the two light bulbs I need for my room.

domingo, 11 de enero de 2015


1. The floor of the kitchen was flooded and also the sink when I woke up this morning. What the hell.
2. Someone make Koko stop talking.
3. A man dressed as the prince of Cinderella walked past my window.
4. Crap day.

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015


1. So last night I kinda got laid. First time a guy has seen my naked.
2. When you have to do the walk of shame is awful. But I'm glad that I found my way home easily.
3. I don't know.

viernes, 9 de enero de 2015


1. Finally saw Büke. I really missed her. And she said that she missed me too.
2. Didn't do the shopping. Again.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015


1. Finally did laundry. And that was it.
2. Alba is convinced to stay the whole year and I'm afraid she's not gonna be okay.
3. Avoided skyping with my mom. I don't want to talk to her.
4. I actually don't want to talk to anyone.

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015


1. Feel like crap, got sick, finally got my period. Such fun.
2. I'm not leaving my house today.
3. Finished watching Breaking Bad. Loved the 5th season.
4. I still miss her.
5. I feel like going to bed right now.

martes, 6 de enero de 2015


1. Still feel like crap. But even worse.
2. Bought cigarettes again. Fuck.
3. I want to leave this apartment.

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015


1. It was so goddamn hard getting up. I almost didn't.
2. Went to my first class feeling sick (in all the possible ways) as fuck, couldn't stand going to the second one.
3. Katrin (my Tutorin) is so nice to me I feel like I don't deserve it.
4. I'll do things tomorrow.
5. Tried to talk to my mum, she quickly changed the subject.
6. I basically feel like crap.

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015


1. Had another panic attack when I went to bed.
2. Feel like crap. Also look like it.
3. The roommates have started coming back. I want them to leave.
4. I want to talk with my mom, but I also don't feel like it, because it's not gonna be nice. So I don't know what to do.

sábado, 3 de enero de 2015


1. I hate so much the huge effort it takes me to get out of bed every morning.
2. Met Büke's fiancé, totally approved.
3. Büke loved my presents *-*
4. It's my last month here. I don't want this to end.
5. Also, I don't want to go back to uni on Monday.

viernes, 2 de enero de 2015


1. It's still so hard getting up every morning.
2. The heating started working!
3. I don't understand why I hate so much how I look in normal color jeans.
4. It doesn't feel too much like a new year.
5. I'm pissed at my mum all the time. She hasn't made the minimum effort to come visit me.

jueves, 1 de enero de 2015


1. Kat's couch was so goddamn comfortable.
2. The pizza place was closed on my way home so I cooked pasta like almost every day.
3. The heating is not working, let's cry.
4. Miranda's series finale was SO GOOD.
5. I'll probably have to sleep with a scarf because is so cold without the heating.