domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

Musical Sundays

"Here, you're my witness, still we are strangers.  Are we just strangers? I call it love."

I discovered this band about two weeks ago through a movie called "Hello, my name is Doris" (which has an amazing soundtrack and I recommend) and I've barely been able to listen to any other band ever since. They play pop-folk and I think the way they make music, and their lyrics is just incredible. Here's a little extract from their website that describes what "they do" (I'm not feeling very connected to words today, sorry) that won me over:
"Formed in 2007, the three passionately intertwine three distinct voices amidst a powerfully delicate orchestra of cello, guitars, keyboard, bells, and percussion, offering songs that speak to joy and sorrow, love and loss. "

I chose "River" because it's the one that I've been feeling the most identified with. If you don't feel very attracted to slow, ballad-like songs, don't worry, they have plenty of more upbeat, cheerful ones that I'm sure you will enjoy. Like this one: Sweetness.

Hope you love them as much as I do!

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