miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014


1. So I woke up late and almost everything was closed. Though not the supermarket. But damn it, Germany.
2. The goddamn trains. I'm so sorry if Kat's parents arrived late to their party.
4. Had so much fun with Kat.

martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014


1. Wrapped myself in blankets for the better part of the day.
2. Needed an emergency dance party. HSM was my soundtrack for it.
3. I'm a little sad I won't spend New Year's Eve with Büke and Can, but I'm also excited to meet Kat and spend it with her.

lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2014

Music discovery

So last Saturday night, thanks to a lovely fanvideo I discovered a wonderful band that has been around since 1999, though their first album was published in 2003.

This band that I am about to introduce to you (maybe you already knew them, as I'm sure I had heard them before last Saturday), is called "Sleeping at Last".
Sleeping at Last was founded in Wheaton, Illinois, and even two of the three band members left the band eventually, the singer has kept the band sailing and from the little information I've gathered to thins point, he has help from other musicians though I think he pretty much does everything.

I've been listening to this band non-stop ever since I discovered and the main genre of the band is alternative/indie, with some rock "tendencies" in the first albums mainly and some websites also define this band's music as "baroque-pop" (which I had never heard of before) and also "emo" (which I personally haven't found to be truth, as least comparing to the emo music I used to listen to years ago).
I find it to be really calming music that you can listen to all day long, with lyrics that get to you and I just love this band so much right now. Totally recommend it.

So, to conclude, I'm leaving you here the song that made me want to hear more.
Hope you enjoy it!


1. So it snowed at night and it actually stayed.
2. The shoes that I bought specially for snow don't work on ice. Nearly fell.
3. I finally got some mail! Though if I know that if I hadn't sent anything to anyone, no one would have bothered.
4. Apparently I'm not worth spending money to come visit me here.
5. My sister prefers spending a lot of money on a Christmas+birthday present instead of coming to visit me. Does she know me at all?

domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014

Here I go again.

Hello there! (If someone's reading. If  I'm the only one reading: hello, me!)

I've been wanting to open a new blog for a while, but this time I'm doing it for myself. And hopefully, this will be the last and definitive one.

I basically want to keep this as a kind of journal. Though not as a regular kind of journal, because I have physical ones in which I'm still going to write, but sometimes I have thoughts or things that I want to share somewhere (and sometimes tumblr, facebook or twitter don't feel like the right places), and I thought that this was the easiest way of doing so, given the amount of time that I spend on my computer. Even if I might be the only one who sees and reads what I will post here - that doesn't matter this time.

If you're not me and you're reading this, you're most welcome to stay and spend some time in this little space I have created.
But first, let me explain better what you will find in this blog.

One of the first things that I want to do is publish my journal entries (really short) that I've been writing every day (not really every day but I keep up with them as much as I can) since I moved to Germany for my Erasmus studies, which are basically my thoughts that day, feelings or events that have happened and that I think they are important to write down. Also, having this blog will allow me to have a quicker way of writing them down and then when I have time, putting them in the actual journal where I started writing it. I'm not sure if I will continue the journal once I get back to Spain, we will see.

(Sorry for the rambling, I tend to do that a lot.)

Other things that you will find here will be stories about things that I've been through (like that time we didn't have electricity in my flat-share and I had to fix it), or things that will happen in the future (because, let's be real, shit is going to inevitably happen) and how I survived them, so I can come back here and say "hey! it sucked but i did it!" and if someone might read them can feel encouraged to... keep on and know that they can survive it too because, let me tell you something, you're stronger that you might think.
Sometimes I will come here and just let my brain throw up my thoughts and feelings, because sharing them with the people in my life is hard so I bottle them up and every now and then I kind of explode.
I will also share opinions about things, because sometimes one needs to share their opinion but not actually, actively, telling someone. If that makes any sense. And I hope no one feels offended about them because I can tell you now beforehand that I mean no offense and I will try to watch my language and document myself, which is something I've been doing lately and feels quite nice.

And now I'm going to try to be quick about the rest of things you will find here!
I will share book/movie/tv show reviews and recommendations so you can check them out if you want to, or in case no one but me reads this blog, I can come back in the future and just remember.
You will also find songs that I might discover and love or songs that have been in my life for a while and decide to share here.
There might be too fanvids (is that the correct plural?) around here, but I will try not to, even if they give me all the feels.
And last but not least, I will probably share some short stories or just texts that I have written or will write in the future because, hey, I'm an author-to-be (if that makes sense) and I've been writing for as long as I can remember so sometimes I will post them here between the organized (I hope!) mess this blog apparently is going to be.

I will mainly write in English here, but every now and then you will find things written in Spanish or Catalan, because languages are a beautiful thing and it will be just the way it comes to my mind.

Check the tags for an easier way to find what you are interested in!

I hope you enjoy your stay in my blog :)



1. 1373 days ago I dyed my hair ginger for the first time.
2. I want Miranda and Gary to be together at the end of the series, but at the same time I want Miranda to prove her point of being alone and happy.
3. I opened a blog again.

sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2014


1. It snowed a lot! But it didn't stay.
2. Skyped with Maria. I miss her.

viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014


1. Poor Büke lost her I am Amsterdam card. At least it was on the last day.
2. That lunch was amazing
3. I think Büke hates me for coming back so soon to the hotel yesterday.
4. Back from Amsterdam. I love that city.
5. Not even after five minutes from being back and I had three guys came on to me. I hate the train station area at night.
6. I fixed the toilet!

jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014


1. I love Van Gogh.
2. Having to wait one hour standing up for the Anne Frank Museum killed my feet.
3. I'm so sorry we came back really early to the hotel, but my feet hurt so much I wanted to cry.
4. Watched Miranda's "pre-series finale" on TV. I'm gonna miss that show.
5. Sad we're leaving tomorrow.

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014


1. Finally in Amsterdam!
2. The tram driver was so nice to us.
3. We did so many things today, I feel so good.
4. This city has too many H&Ms.
5. Happy we did the canal trip. This city is so beautiful. I'd love to live here for a while.

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014


1. I can't believe tomorrow we're going to Amsterdam. It feels so unreal.
2. Alone in the apartment at last!

lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014


1. Just found out The Black Keys are coming to the stadium near to the apartment. In March. Dammit.
2. I should start packing for Amsterdam.

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014


1. I wanted to do things, but I also needed to sleep. So I've been taking naps all day long. No regrets. It's Sunday after all.

sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2014


1. We finally went to visit the museums. I feel so happy about it.
2. Got a little panicky when we were going to have dinner in a really crowded place so I just decided to go home instead.
3. My feet hurt like crazy but it's so worth it.

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014


1. When I was about to go throw some trash in the dumpsters, when I suddenly saw a curtain of water falling down. Nice. Guess I'll have to throw it away tomorrow.

jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2014


1. Dani is such a fucking good friend. He knows me so much better than I expected.
2. My teacher made me two bags of cookies. She's so cute and the cookies are so good.

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014


1. Been trying to watch "28 days later" for three days, but I suddenly watched "Men, Women & Children" in one try. So nice of me.

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014


1. I just keep re-watching Miranda all day long.

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014


1. I look like a goddamn mess.
2. My mum got her Christmas card, it made me so happy.
3. Bought a can of Pringles. Almost cried because I had forgotten how good they are.
4. My young Tutorium teacher just sent me an email asking me to hang out with her friends one day 'cause she felt really sad when I told her I'm staying for Christmas and she wants me to have a good memory of Germany. So cute.

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014


1. It doesn't feel strange anymore hearing Büke speak Turkish.

sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014


1. My Swedish roommate left today and gave me her cereals. Such good cereals. They won't last too long.

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014


1. Büke called me her angel. Almost cried.

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014


1. Every single fucking time I buy a lot of groceries, it starts raining hard as hell as soon as I leave the supermarket.
2. Almost died watching Arrow.

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014


1. It's unbelievable how people judge others just because they don't live by the same rules as them or have the same beliefs or choose different paths.
2. Büke and I wanted to eat chicken for dinner but instead ended up eating some strange and very yummy Japanese food. We exchanged them so we could try each others plates.
3. My mum told me to flip a coin to decide whether I should stay here or go back to Spain. What the fuck.

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014


1. Nothing, again.

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014


1. Nothing.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014


1. I miss my ukulele.
2. Büke dyed my hair. It looks amazing.

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014


1. I feel worthless.
2. Spent the whole day with Büke and I didn't get tired of  her for a single second.

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014


1. I'm the only person who goes to an Erasmus and doesn't get a single fucking visit.

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014


1. Last night I burnt my tongue so much with Glühwein it still hurts.
2. Bought a Kinder Egg.

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014


1. It's snowing a little.
2. Spent almost the whole morning singing out loud. Suddenly heard someone in their room.
3. Got lost coming back home at night. Found my way quickly and got home before the tram passed my house.
4. I'm proud to say lately I can go to places without using a map.

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014


1. I hate going to the basement to throw away the trash.
2. I finally skyped with Maria.
3. Can't believe the SpotifyCares Twitter actually works and they actually fix your problems and now I can use it again.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014


1. First day of the month + Monday. What a bad day.
2. I keep finding the door open and it's starting to scare me.
3. First day of my second advent calendar ever.
4. Outraged by Tokio Hotel's new tour ticket prices.
5. Left a beer out on the window for one hour, it's perfectly cold now.