domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014

Here I go again.

Hello there! (If someone's reading. If  I'm the only one reading: hello, me!)

I've been wanting to open a new blog for a while, but this time I'm doing it for myself. And hopefully, this will be the last and definitive one.

I basically want to keep this as a kind of journal. Though not as a regular kind of journal, because I have physical ones in which I'm still going to write, but sometimes I have thoughts or things that I want to share somewhere (and sometimes tumblr, facebook or twitter don't feel like the right places), and I thought that this was the easiest way of doing so, given the amount of time that I spend on my computer. Even if I might be the only one who sees and reads what I will post here - that doesn't matter this time.

If you're not me and you're reading this, you're most welcome to stay and spend some time in this little space I have created.
But first, let me explain better what you will find in this blog.

One of the first things that I want to do is publish my journal entries (really short) that I've been writing every day (not really every day but I keep up with them as much as I can) since I moved to Germany for my Erasmus studies, which are basically my thoughts that day, feelings or events that have happened and that I think they are important to write down. Also, having this blog will allow me to have a quicker way of writing them down and then when I have time, putting them in the actual journal where I started writing it. I'm not sure if I will continue the journal once I get back to Spain, we will see.

(Sorry for the rambling, I tend to do that a lot.)

Other things that you will find here will be stories about things that I've been through (like that time we didn't have electricity in my flat-share and I had to fix it), or things that will happen in the future (because, let's be real, shit is going to inevitably happen) and how I survived them, so I can come back here and say "hey! it sucked but i did it!" and if someone might read them can feel encouraged to... keep on and know that they can survive it too because, let me tell you something, you're stronger that you might think.
Sometimes I will come here and just let my brain throw up my thoughts and feelings, because sharing them with the people in my life is hard so I bottle them up and every now and then I kind of explode.
I will also share opinions about things, because sometimes one needs to share their opinion but not actually, actively, telling someone. If that makes any sense. And I hope no one feels offended about them because I can tell you now beforehand that I mean no offense and I will try to watch my language and document myself, which is something I've been doing lately and feels quite nice.

And now I'm going to try to be quick about the rest of things you will find here!
I will share book/movie/tv show reviews and recommendations so you can check them out if you want to, or in case no one but me reads this blog, I can come back in the future and just remember.
You will also find songs that I might discover and love or songs that have been in my life for a while and decide to share here.
There might be too fanvids (is that the correct plural?) around here, but I will try not to, even if they give me all the feels.
And last but not least, I will probably share some short stories or just texts that I have written or will write in the future because, hey, I'm an author-to-be (if that makes sense) and I've been writing for as long as I can remember so sometimes I will post them here between the organized (I hope!) mess this blog apparently is going to be.

I will mainly write in English here, but every now and then you will find things written in Spanish or Catalan, because languages are a beautiful thing and it will be just the way it comes to my mind.

Check the tags for an easier way to find what you are interested in!

I hope you enjoy your stay in my blog :)


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