domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

Musical Sundays

"We are not permanent. We're temporary, temporary. Same old story."

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

Musical Sundays

"I can't help but pull the earth around me to make my bed."

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

The book of life

"Manolo, a young man who is torn between fulfilling the expectations of his family and following his heart, embarks on an adventure that spans three fantastic worlds where he must face his greatest fears." - IMDb

I decided to watch this movie because one of my roommates kept telling me to do it like, all the time. I'm so glad I gave it a go.

When you first start watching the trailer, or the movie, like I did, you might think "what are these strange creatures?" and also "this is a kids movie", but as you keep watching, you stop thinking that. At least, I stopped thinking about how strange their bodies are and started appreciating just the whole aesthetic of the movie (which I personally LOVED).

Something I also really enjoyed about this movie is the soundtrack. You get to listen to popular/known songs (at least they were to me) covered in a way you don't really get to listen to between the thousand covers you find on YouTube. It also has at least a couple songs that are original and it just makes it so great.
I must say, it's not a musical. Even if it has all these songs, it can't be considered a musical. In case there's someone out there that was thinking "ugh, no, a musical". Do not fear.

And that's it! As always, I leave you here the trailer to the movie. Enjoy!

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

Musical Sundays

First song of the week: Crossfire by Brandon Flowers.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Holding on

I began writing this entry on April, and I ended putting it off for later and now a month has gone by. What the hell.
I know I had an agreement with myself about this blog being more of a casual thing, writing whenever I felt like writing and about whatever I felt like writing. But, dude, a MONTH??

Anyway, here I am now, ready (kind of) to write a little (or maybe big, who knows) life update. I feel like I need to write it down, so it's more real and it feels like I'm actually moving forward.

I don't know where to start.
Basically, one day, I couldn't keep myself together anymore. I broke down, started crying and spent a whole day with continuous panic attacks. I already knew that I had to do something about it, but that day I felt it for real. I felt like I wasn't going to get to the next week if I didn't even just plan on how to do it (if that makes any sense, I don't know how to explain it).

It had to start with my mum. I knew that once I told her, things will start moving.
So I skyped with her (don't remember if that same night or the next) and started hinting that I was really bad, that I had been for a very long time and that I didn't know how long I could keep hanging on. Then I started crying and she said "okay, it's very obvious you have depression, next week when you come home you'll go to therapy". That was such a great relief already.
I can't imagine how hard it must have been for her, to think your child has depression, is broken into pieces and can't imagine her future anymore, doesn't even care about it. I know I would blame myself. But it's not her fault, she really has done her best to raise me into a good, healthy person, there just have been other factors coming into the mix.

Therapy is going well, every time I go to it I leave feeling so much better and they send me "homework" so I can keep getting better. The problem is that I can't go as often as I'd like to (because a) I don't live where I go to it and b) because it's expensive) and almost a week after a session, I start feeling very down again. I hope this summer I can go every week, I want to get a job to pay for it, because my mum already gives me enough money as it is and I can't ask my dad, he would make everything just go to hell.
There's also another problem, and it is that until I finish my exams, I don't think I'll be able to go again to therapy, the last session was around three weeks ago and I'm feeling very, very down again, although I know I won't have another breakdown. So even if I have days when I just don't give a fuck about living, I can keep it together. Sort of.

By the end of summer, I hope I'll be feeling much better, I hope I'll have energy to do my best at uni (I really have to get better at uni, this year is going to end up as a fucking mess), I hope I'll get back to writing, because although it's my one true passion, I've barely been writing anything - and I know it's not writer's block.

I feel as if I don't start getting myself together soon and start actively living my life, I'll achieve nothing and end up having a crappy future. And I don't want that.

So although I'm trying not to be too hard on myself (my therapist is always telling me I punish myself too much), I want to keep this blog active and upload at least once a week.
From now on, once a week (it will probably be on Sundays), I'll upload like the song of the week. Even if I haven't listened to that song that week, I'll just post I like and share it with you (or just with me, in case no one sees it).
Then I want to keep reviewing movies and adding books, so when I have time I'll google "how to review" so I can be better at it, because I know I suck at reviewing and it pains me.
And last but not least (or, well, maybe), I will post DIYs, but that won't be very often. Sometimes I have good ideas and although I'm not very good at crafting I really enjoy doing it and every now and then, I get a good result so yeah, I will share them whenever I think that it's not something too silly.

I have a few entries in mind that I'll try to write today/this weekend to get them queued up so this blog starts moving, so stay tuned!