sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

Goodbye, Glee.

It's been a few hours since I watched the series finale, so now that I feel more calmed down, I decided it was time to write this entry.

I don't know where to start. This tv show, oh man, it had a couple of seasons in which I thought I was going to stop watching it, or at least take it easy and watch it whenever I had time. But I couldn't, there was something that made me keep watching if not live (because it was at 3 am here) then the next morning as soon as I woke up. And I'm glad I kept watching until the very end.

Six years have passed now since a friend told me about this new show that had just started and I was most likely going to love because it was a musical. I was a teenager when it all started, now I'm an adult (not really, but kinda) and it feels so... weird to know that that was it, that Glee ended. I'm so glad I got to live it and "meet" so many wonderful actors, some of which form part of my favorite authors and musicians now, and who I'll never, ever forget.

I know that when I'm old, I'll still remember this show, I'll still be a fan of it. I'll listen to the songs they've sung and I'll still watch episodes every now and then. It's become a part of my life, a part of who I am.

This show, even when it had things that just made you want to quit it, has changed the world in some small way. It has made people more accepting, it has given courage to others, it has created very strong friendships all around the world. It made us, the underdogs, feel better about ourselves. It covered topics that not any other show has covered. It has given hope, strength, happiness, love. It showed us that dreams can come true, that it gets better, if you just keep holding on and trying.

I'll try my best not to burst into tears whenever "Dont' stop believing" comes on the radio, and when I'm somewhere where there's music playing and I hear a song that Glee covered I'll inform about it whoever I'm with at that moment with intensity. And probably my heart going crazy.

All I have left to say (because I'm trying not to cry again and that's making me take too much time writing this) is a massive thank you to Glee. It was a pleasure, and I promise I'll never forget you, your songs and your gleefulness.

"The show must go... all over the place... or something."

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